Establishing Online Communities | Remember Orkut?

In 2004 social media was still thought of as a fad by most of the world. Facemash had just changed its name to Facebook and had only been around a year and was still trying to figure itself out. When people thought social media, most thought of Myspace and it was perceived as a platformContinue reading “Establishing Online Communities | Remember Orkut?”

Understanding Consumer Behavior through Social Media | An inside look into Weixin.

For years businesses have strived to understand consumer’s purchasing behavior to better understand how to market to them. This has been no easy task and varied from industry to industry. Nelson media, for example, used to analyze how much TV consumers watched and what they watched, but the only way to do this at theContinue reading “Understanding Consumer Behavior through Social Media | An inside look into Weixin.”

Is Creating Awareness Enough? A Deeper Look Into User Mobilization

This past week I was reading a case study entitled Breast Cancer Meme. The study went over several different social media and cyberactivity efforts that have gone on over the past years to generate awareness regarding Breast Cancer during the month of October, which is breast cancer awareness month. These Cyberactivity efforts included several differentContinue reading “Is Creating Awareness Enough? A Deeper Look Into User Mobilization”

Is purchasing Glasses online a good idea?

We’ve all been there before, we are in desperate need of glasses because we accidently lost or broke ours from playing with the kids, working in the yard or stepping on them when we awake in the morning. Whatever the reason may be, it seems we all go through glasses faster than we should. I’mContinue reading “Is purchasing Glasses online a good idea?”

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